Friday, August 21, 2020

Analysis strokes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Examination strokes - Essay Example In the breaststroke style, a swimmer swims on his chestandtorso. The swimmers headremains out of waterwhileheswims. Prior to 1950, there wererules in theswimmingcompetitionwere one race under thewater in the breaststroke (Hannula,2003). Theunderwaterracingproved to be risky as swimmers suffocatedwhile under thewater. Until now, thesetechniqueshavebeenimproved as peoplechangetherules, swimmers nowrace on thewatersurface. Swimmers are permitted to remain under thewater during one strokecyclewhenstartingand after eachturn. Breaststrokers createlargeforces during the propulsive periods of eachstrokecycle. In the breaststroke, there are three stages during themotion of thebody. The out-clear, the in sweepandtherecoveryphases. Out-sweepandthe in clear are both propulsive development with in-clear beingthemorepowerful of the two. The out-clear starts after a swimmer expand their legsfully. Armssweep outwards as shoulders medially rotateand adduct. Theyhave to remainstraight until thepressure of thewatercausesthearm to flex. Thebodylies on a level plane as itforms a Y shape. One pitches their palms outandbackandhandstossed outwards at close to 90 degrees just as backwardangle of up to40 degreesfortheforwardmovement. Upperarms ought to be corresponding to thewatersurface, andshoulders medially turned to allowpulldirectlystraightback (Maglischo, 2003). In the in sweepphase, handscontinue to hover to facedownwardandinward, becominginwardandupward. One needs to reachapproximately 100degrees of theelbow flexion, with maximummedialturning of theshoulder to permitgreatestsurfacearea to pushback on thewater.Elbows ought to remainparallel to thewatersurface. Handspass under theelbows, as theelbows flex maximally. Asthehandsbegin to moveupward, thehipsdrop, initiatinghipandknee flexion (Ferrauti, A., Pluim, B. M., and Weber, K. 2001). In therecoveryphase, handscometogether with palms

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